The average age of Hispanics group is 32 years old, meaning that half of the population is younger and the other half older. The mean age of 33.59 years is more over the average, suggesting some skewness in the age distributions. The average age of this group is indicated by the standard deviation, which is 10.74 years. The distribution’s skewness, which measures 0.803, indicates a moderate right skew with a greater proportion of younger than elderly people. The age distribution for Hispanics is significantly higher and has more tail, as indicated by the kurtosis value of 3.725, which is higher than the kurtosis of a normal distribution.
The Native American group shows an even age distribution with a mean age of 32 years. This group has a slightly larger age group than the Hispanic group, with a median age of 8.949 years. Even though it is less than the Hispanic distribution, a skewness value of 0.565 indicates a minor skewness to the right. Since the age distribution has a somewhat smaller tail and a less prominent peak than the normal distribution, the kurtosis value of 2.883 suggests that age is undervalued.